Teamcenter BMIDE List of Values

Teamcenter PLM consultants extend the Teamcenter PLM Data Model via new business objects and properties. They also build a pick LOVs (List of Values) for their data.

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Teamcenter PLM consultants extend the Teamcenter PLM Data Model via new business objects and properties. They also build a pick LOVs (List of Values) for their data. They perform these tasks by using BMIDE (Business Modeler Integrated Development Environment) client that is the modelling environment for Teamcenter PLM configurations. The BMIDE allows you to store all configurations in a container named as a template. Then you are free to deploy the template to any environment of Teamcenter PLM. 

Types of LOV in Teamcenter PLM

Teamcenter PLM LOVs help in enduing regular data entry on Teamcenter business object properties. The list entries can be created in two ways. The first method is to reference existing data and the second id to enter custom site data in Teamcenter PLM. After the creation, the LOV can be implemented throughout the interface by attaching it via one or more business object properties. If you create and implement LOVS efficiently throughout Teamcenter PLM, it can enhance the productivity of your site and help in controlling incorrect user entries. 

In BMIDE, the Extensions folder has a LOV directory. These three types of LOVs in BMIDE can be found. 


It stores the LOVs in the template.BatchIt stores LOVs in the Teamcenter PLM database.DynamicIt reads the LOVs dynamically by adding queries to the PLM database. How to Create a Batch LOV in BMIDE?The Classic LOVs store the values in the BMIDE template. You can begin by starting the Business Modeler IDEYou can choose one of the following methods:First, you need to open the Menu Bar and then choose BMIDE and New Model Element. Then you should type Classic LOV in the Wizards Box and click on Next.The next step is to open the Extensions or LOV folders, right-clicking on the Classic LOV Folder and choosing New Classic LOV. When the New Classic LOV Wizards runs, you need to enter the necessary information in the Classic LOV dialog box and then click on Finish. How to Create a Classic LOV in BMIDE?

The Classic LOVs store the values in the BMIDE template. 

You can begin by starting the Business Modeler IDE

You can choose one of the following methods:

First, you need to open the Menu Bar and then choose BMIDE and New Model Element. Then you should type Classic LOV in the Wizards Box and click on Next.

The next step is to open the Extensions or LOV folders, right-clicking on the Classic LOV Folder and choosing New Classic LOV. 

When the New Classic LOV Wizards runs, you need to enter the necessary information in the Classic LOV dialog box and then click on Finish. 

How to Create a Dynamic LOV in BMIDE?

Dynamic LOVs can show a list of values that are obtained dynamically b6y querying the Teamcenter PLM Database. For instance, if you need a cost of values of all the aluminum widgets in the database with a blue finish, you can easily create a dynamic LOV to query the relevant database for them. As the name denotes, these values are not static but keep on changing when there are changes in the data of a database. They let an end-user to select from the lists that are made up of data that is active in the database. 

As a part of the dynamic LOV definition, anyone can create a Teamcenter PLM database query. Anyone can also query for Teamcenter product data from objects like parts, items, datasets, etc. Queries can also be created for administrative data from categories like roles, groups, users, etc. The LOV Values can also be filtered from the import LOV values that belong to an external system by using TC XML. 

Here are sample dynamic queries for all the items which belonged to a specific BMIDE project. 

Teamcenter Dynamic-LOV

When a user attaches the dynamic LOVs to a property and then installs a template to a server, the query results will be displayed as a list of values in the end-user interface.


LOV Definition Common Steps

LOVs are lists on property boxes that are in the Teamcenter PLM user interface.


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Teamcenter PLM Training from PLM Coach

Teamcenter PLM Functional Training

This course will introduce the concept of product lifecycle management, which is also known as PLM. As a part of this training, a person will become familiar with the rich client user interface. A person can also learn the basics of using Teamcenter PLM. The training will also share instructions regarding working in the rich client interface. A person can also grasp the basics of using a suite of Teamcenter PLM applications. Examples of such applications include but are not limited to My Teamcenter, embedded viewer, Structure Manager, Classification, Change Manager and Workflow Viewer, among others.

Teamcenter PLM Deployment Training

In this training, a person can learn about two and four-tier architectures. It also demonstrates how one can install the key components of these architectures. This training will also include getting a person trained on the database server, two-tier rich client, corporate server, and the Business Modeler IDE, also known as BMIDE. This training will also cover the processes associated with installing and configuring web application server, distribution server, server manager, distribution server instance, thin client, four-tier rich client, FSC cache server, NX integration, Store and Forward as well as the process of creation of an additional site for Teamcenter PLM.

Teamcenter PLM Administration Training

This training will help anyone learn the configuration of Teamcenter Administration Data to ensure that a company’s needs are met via the Rich Client. This course represents a rile focused set of topics that are meant for the application administrators. As a part of this course, anyone can learn the fundamentals associated with how to create and manage administration data in Teamcenter PLM. The key topics covered in this course are configuring a companies’ organization, managing the same, accessing permissions, project data, preferences values, searches, export & import rules, reports, workflows, commands, stylesheets, etc. It also trains a person on how to migrate to additional sites and how to run reports against that data.

Teamcenter PLM Business Modeler Administration Training

This course is ideal for people who want to learn the configuration of the Teamcenter PLM data model to meet a company’s needs via the BMIDE or Business Modeler IDE. It represents a set of topics that are role focused and are ideal for data model administrators as well as developers. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of BMIDE or Business Modeler IDE. It also teaches a person how to extend your data model, use deployment techniques and learn about the options for getting the changes incorporated into not just development but also in Quality Assurance (QA), and Production sites. The key content of this course includes an introduction to the BMIDE or Business Modeler IDE in Teamcenter PLM, extension of a data model with new elements like a business object, Lists of Values (LOVs), properties, Rules, and other such stuff in Teamcenter PLM. It also includes learning about deployment strategies and troubleshooting. A person can also learn about preferences and utility references present in Teamcenter PLM.

Teamcenter PLM Server Side (ITK) Customization Training

This training program includes lessons on customizing standalone ITK and SOA utilities, the Teamcenter PLM Rich Clients and the Teamcenter PLM server. Anyone who joins this course will learn about the Integrated Toolkit (ITK) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) APIs that are present in Teamcenter PLM. They will also learn how to build standalone command-line utilities to invoke custom code which is already written in ITK or SOA in Teamcenter PLM. A person can also gain knowledge on how to set up development environments in Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse. It will include learning about how to debug and execute utilities in Teamcenter PLM. This course also includes training people on using ITK and SOA to extend the server functionality. It is done by creating Metamodel Operations, Operation Extensions (also known as Workflow Handlers), and Services inside the Business Modeler. A person who takes up this course can also learn about different deployment methods to ensure that their customization reaches their clients/server present in Teamcenter PLM. This course will also teach how to create custom plugins by using Eclipse to build custom interface components for the Rich Clients to invoke server-side code that is already present in Teamcenter PLM. As a part of this course, a person can do a deep dive into Style Sheets to invoke those customizations and to influence the overall display of data in the clients/server present in Teamcenter PLM.

Teamcenter PLM Client-Side (RAC) Customization Training

This course is ideal for people who want to learn the processes associated with customizing Teamcenter PLM Rich Clients by using Java (SWT) and SOA. Anyone who participates in this course will understand how to work with, create, modify, and register Style Sheets that can let them control the display of properties for Users to interact with them seamlessly. This method in Teamcenter PLM can greatly simplify the user interface (UI) and can play a key role in reducing the number of clicks needed to perform a task in Teamcenter PLM.

Teamcenter PLM Active Workspace (AWC) Customization Training

Meant to help the Active Workspace administrators and developers, this course will teach any participant how to customize and configure Active Workspace. A person will start by learning how to configure Tile Configurations for different scopes and define Tiles to perform several functionalities in Teamcenter PLM. As a part of the course, the focus will be on modifying the look and feel of the Teamcenter PLM client after a review. It can be done via custom themes, message notifications, CSS layout configurations, and icon configuration, among others.
As a part of this course, a person can have an in-depth look at the declarative approach for customizing the Active Workspace interface in Teamcenter PLM. A person will learn how to work within the Teamcenter PLM Business Modeler IDE to control not just Indexing settings for data model objects but also control the visibility of commands.

A person who enrolls into this course will also explore the Style sheet (XRT) enhancements and capabilities by utilizing custom tags and AngularJS. They will also work with Visual Studio Code to set up a development environment to ensure an easy debugging for Teamcenter PLM. Another vital aspect of this course is customizing the TcFTS Indexer to index additional object types that include internal and external object types.

Teamcenter PLM Development Technologies

C++ – It will be used for Teamcenter PLM Server-Side Programming

Java – It will be used for Teamcenter PLM Client-Side Programming

AngularJS – It will be used for Teamcenter PLM Active Workspace Programming

Teamcenter PLM References on Web

🌍 Siemens PLM Software – URL

🎬 Checkout the video on Teamcenter BMIDE List of Values:

🌍 For PLM / CAD Training Visit

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About Author
Anup Karumanchi
Anup Karumanchi
Champion of PLM, CAD & MES platforms, with a proven track record of delivering successful workshops and services for global clientele.

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