Teamcenter Interview Questions with Answers

⁠Teamcenter software is a modern, adaptable product lifecycle management (PLM) system that connects people and processes, across functional silos, with a digital thread for innovation.

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Teamcenter Interview Questions with Answers


Below are the comprehensive list of interview questions for Teamcenter. These cover and are categorized as per Teamcenter modules like Functional, Administration, BMIDE, ITK, RAC and Active Workspace.

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Teamcenter Functional Interview Questions

  1. What is PLM?
    1. Product lifecycle management
  2. What is an item? Dataset? Metadata?
    1. Item- it is an object in Teamcenter which is used to represent a product/part
    2. Dataset- objects created by non-Teamcenter applications
    3. Metadata- data of a dataset. (location of physical file path)
  3. What is the difference between version & revision?
    1. Version represents changes in dataset, and revision represents is changes in item revision
  4. What is explicit check-out & implicit check-out?
    1. Explicit check-out – user perform check out by himself
    2. Implicit check-out – Teamcenter performs check out
  5. Can we add attributes to items / Item Revisions?
    1. Yes
  6. Can we revise forms?
    1. Yes
  7. Will forms be carried over to the next revision of the IRs? Where do you control that?
    1. Forms are carried forward to next revision of IRs
  8. To Delete or Not to delete Structure Manager (Product Structure Editor)
    1. We should not delete
  9. What is the difference between a revision and version in Teamcenter?
    1. Version represents changes in dataset, and revision represents changes in item revision. You cannot create independent Item Revision in the Teamcenter. Item Revision is used to manages and trace changes in product, part, or document
  10. What is the difference between Item and Item revision in Teamcenter?
    1. Item is a workspace object in Teamcenter which represents a part of an assembly.
    2. Item Revision is a Revision of Item in the Teamcenter. Item is parent for item revision and it has sequence id. Item rev is always associated with item.
  11. What is the difference between Precise and Imprecise assemblies in Teamcenter?
    1. Precise means fixed structure with item revisions and imprecise not fixed
    2. Both the terms are used to define the current form of BOM.
  12. What is the difference between ‘where used’ and ‘where referenced’ searches in Teamcenter?
    1. Where used – option refers to where and all the parts are used in an assembly.
    2. Where referenced – option is used when you search a dataset and find out where it is attached or referenced.
  13. What is the difference between Item, Part, Assembly, BOM, and PSE, item revision, BOM View, BVR?
    1. BVR- BOM view revision
  14. What is the difference between a ‘Substitute’ and ‘Alternative’?
    1. Substitute: A substitute part is a component that is a suitable replacement for another part in only one assembly in which the original part occurs.
    2. Alternate: An Alternate Part is a component that is a suitable replacement for another part in every assembly in which the original part occurs.
  15. What is the difference between an Absolute occurrence and a relative occurrence?
    1. Relative Occurrence – A hierarchical structure relationship between the immediate parent assembly and its child component.
    2. Absolute Occurrence –A structure relationship between parent assembly and its child component one or more level below in the structure. Absolute occurrence takes the precedence over relative occurrence. Relative occurrence data can be overridden by absolute occurrence data.
  16. What is a Supersede?
    1. A supersede is a manually created relation that graphically displays the replacement (displays components that have been removed and the components that have been added to replace them) in context of parent assembly. Supersedes are created when defining engineering change, so that replacement can be displayed later on. It can be created for changes to part number (item id of part) or for changes to quantity, but not for changes in part revision.
  17. What is a direct model dataset?
    1. The Direct model is most likely a JT file of the cad part. It is used by TC Visualization. To quickly show a 3D preview.
  18. What is a global alternate?
    1. Global alternate is the suitable replacement for a part in the entire assembly.
  19. What is the difference between Global Alternate, Substitute and Configurable Variant?
    1. Global alternate is the suitable replacement for a part in the entire assembly.
    2. Substitute is the suitable replacement for a part in single occurrence/ in single assembly
  20. What is a Find Number in BOM?
    1. It is a number to identify a single occurrence or group of occurrences in the structure. It is to be noted that the find number is not a unique number. Changing the find number can reorder BOM lines in the structure.
  21. What is a sequence?
    1. We use sequences if your business requires additional management of progress within revisions.
    2. A sequence is an iteration of the object, complete with properties and relations. A sequence of a file is similar to a version of a file, but the sequence encompasses all information about the object.
    3. A sequence is complete and represents a single point for the object as it is prepared for release. When you create an item revision, an initial sequence, to which Teamcenter assigns an initial sequence ID, is also created. This sequence becomes the active, or default, sequence.
    4. Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with the most recent sequence ID becoming the default.
    5. The default sequence is the only sequence you can check in and check out. Attempting to check out a non-default sequence results in an error.
    6. Only one sequence can be active at any given time for an item revision.
    7. A sequence does not track incremental changes.
  22. Difference between Revision effectively, Occurrence Effectivity?
    1. Revision effectivity is applied to revisions of a part based on the dates used.
    2. Occurrence effectivity defined in Teamcenter is applied to assemblies loaded in the structure manager. Occurrence effectivity is used to track the dates of effectivity for a part.
  23. Copy as Object vs Copy as Reference in Teamcenter
    1. Copy as Object: Create new revision/Version of dataset.
    2. Copy as Reference: Copy same copy of dataset, no new revision or version is created.
    3. Copy as Object: Creates a new object of the same type and relation to the parent object. Objects created by this method are totally independent of the parent object. Therefore, any changes to the copied object are not reflected in the original object. Copied objects appear in bold in the Destination tree and can be renamed.
    4. Copy as Reference: Copies the object as a reference to the original object. All changes to the reference copy affect the original object. The names of attachments that are copied as references cannot be modified.
  24. What is the advantage of Revision Effectivity?
  25. What is the advantage of Incremental changes over revision/structure Effectivity?
  26. When do you prefer using Revision Effectivity over Occurrence Effectivity?
  27. What are modular variants? What’s the difference between classic and modular variants?
  28. What is the difference between Publish, Publish to Default ODS?
  29. What happens if you publish an item Revision that is already published?
  30. Can anybody publish an Item Revision that is owned by you?

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Teamcenter Business Modeler (BMIDE) Interview Questions

  1. What is BMIDE?
    1. Business modeller integrated development environment is a tool shipped by Siemens to customise Teamcenter Data Model
  2. What is a Data Model?
    1. A data model is an abstract model that organises elements of data and standardises how they relate to one another and to the properties of real-world entities.
  3. Explain the hierarchy of the BMIDE data model.
    1. A data model is a structured organisation of abstract objects to represent your business data
    2. Teamcenter has its own data model that you extend using the BMIDE which means you extend Teamcenter’s own data model using BMIDE
    3. The Teamcenter Data model can be categorised into three distinct layers. They are:
      1. POM or Persistence Object Model is the lowest layer, which basically represents mapping for the underlying Database of Teamcenter. It is not always one to one mapping, but closest to DB Tables for most of the classes. Developers should know the detail aspect of the POM layer for customization and extension of the system.
      2. The Business and Relation Object Layer resides above the POM layer. This layer represents the actual entity to Business and its process. Mainly Business Analyst or Solution Architect interacts at this layer.  Business Object and Relation defines the overall Data Model from a Business process perspective.
      3. Business Rules are the top level layer of Data Model. This layer basically constitutes Business Object behaviour based on the rules configured in BMIDE. Business rules along with Business Object encapsulate the overall PLM business process. Teamcenter provided both configurable like naming rule, conditions etc or custom like extension for defining business rules.
  4. What is the difference between object and class?
    1. Class
      1. Class is a user-defined data type that contains its own data members and member functions. The member functions and data members can be accessed with the help of objects. It is the primary concept of object-oriented programming.
      2. A class is used to organise information or data so a programmer can reuse the elements in multiple instances.
    2. Object
      1. An object is an instance of a class. All the data members and member functions of the class can be accessed with the help of objects.
      2. An object in OOP is a component which consists of properties to make a particular data useful. For example, let’s consider a class Student. We can access various student details using some common property attributes like student name, roll number, etc.
  5. What is meant by OOTB / COTS?
    1. An out-of-the-box feature or functionality (also called OOTB or off the shelf), particularly in software, is a native feature or built-in functionality of a product that comes directly from the vendor and works immediately when the product is placed in service.[1][2] In the context of software, out-of-the-box features and functionality are available for all users by default and do not require customization, modification, configuration, scripting, add-ons, modules, third-party tools, or additional fees in order to be used.
    2. A COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) product is one that is used “as-is.” COTS products are designed to be easily installed and to interoperate with existing system components.
  6. What is the difference between hot deployment and cold deployment?
    1. Hot deployment is deploying the changes directly in the production environment…
    2. And cold deployment is first deploying the changes in the development environment, then testing environment and then production environment.
  7. In which situation hot deployment can be performed on production?
    1. We should not do hot deployment on production
  8. How to derive custom business objects based on the existing business objects?
    1. Create a BMIDE project and select the business object –> create a new business object.
  9. What are the different types of LOV in Teamcenter?
    1. Classic LOV –  A list stored in the template.
    2. Batch LOV – A list stored in the Teamcenter database, rather than in the template
    3. Dynamic LOV – Dynamically queries the database at run time.
  10. What is batch LOV?
    1. Batch LOVs are managed externally. To update or remove values from Classic or Dynamic LOV, we need to update LOV via BMIDE and deploy the changes as templates using tem.bat. Whereas in Batch LOV, the updates happen using utility and do not require system downtime.
    2. Batch LOV should be created in BMIDE and added to the respective property or properties. Once you deploy the batch LOV to the database via TEM, you can subsequently add values to the LOV using xml and load it into Teamcenter using bmide_manage_batch_lovs utility.
  11. What is Dynamic LOV?
  12. What is an Interdependent LOV?
  13. What is cascading LOV?
    1. LOVs inside LOVs are called cascading LOVs.
  14. What is the Difference between batch LOV and Dynamic LOV? Which is better?
    1. Batch LOV is better
  15. What is the difference between cascading LOV and Interdependent LOV?
  16. How to manage batch LOV?
  17. Who can update the values of batch LOV?
    1. Batch LOV should be created in BMIDE and added to the respective property or properties. Once you deploy the batch lov to the database via tem, you can subsequently add values to the LOV using xml and load it into Teamcenter using bmide_manage_batch_lovs utility.
  18. Do we need to restart the server or clients after updating batch LOV?
    1. No
  19. What are the different rules available in the Teamcenter?
    1. GRM rules
    2. Naming rules
    3. Id creation rules
  20. What is a GRM rule?
    1. Generic relationship management rule
    2. It’s the most common and flexible way of creating relation between two business objects
    3. Here the first business object acts as the primary object and the second object acts as a secondary object.
  21. What is cardinality in the GRM rule?
    1. Cardinality in GRM rule refers to how many times we can revise the object
  22. How to prevent the attachment of secondary objects to primary objects using the GRM rule?
  23. What is the deep copy rule?
    1. Deep copy rule applied on the item revisions object to decide whether the objects/datasets attached to item revision are copy as an object, copy as a reference,don’t copy etc.
    2. Deep Copy Rule A configuration option for Item Revisions which defines how related objects, such as datasets and BVR s will be handled when a new revision is created. Typical options are to not copy the related object, to add a reference to the existing object under the new revision, or to create a duplicate object under the new revision.
  24. How to restrict the copying of secondary objects from existing revision to new revision?
    1. Create a deep copy rule and select don’t copy in the options.
  25. How to allow only one working item revision at a time using BMIDE?
  26. What is the difference between copy as an object and copy as a reference?
    1. Copy as an object: Create new revision/Version of dataset.
    2. Copy the same copy of the dataset, no new revision or version is created.
    3. Copy as Object: Creates a new object of the same type and relation to the parent object. Objects created by this method are totally independent of the parent object. Therefore, any changes to the copied object are not reflected in the original object. Copied objects appear in bold in the Destination tree and can be renamed.
    4. Copy as Reference: Copies the object as a reference to the original object. All changes to the reference copy affect the original object. The names of attachments that are copied as references cannot be modified.
  27. What is the Display Rule?
    1. The Display Rules tab displays the groups that cannot view a business object type in menus in the Teamcenter user interface. Because display rules are primarily used to hide business objects from creation (File→New) menus, display rules restrict those who can create the business object type.
  28. How to control the visibility of objects during objects creation using BMIDE?
    1. Using display rules
  29. What is the naming rule?
  30. What is a naming pattern?
  31. Can we attach multiple naming rules to the same property?
    1. Yes
  32. On which property naming rule can be attached?
    1. Item_id
  33. How to create an alphanumeric naming rule pattern?
  34. Can we use LOV in the naming rule?
    1. Yes
  35. What is Intelligent Part Numbering?
    1. Intelligent part numbering is a way to create more descriptive object names through ID generation rules.
  36. From which Teamcenter Version Intelligent part numbering is available?
  37. How intelligent part numbering is different from the naming rule?
    1. An intelligent ID generation rule is a rule that generates an item ID with additional counters or property values appended to it.
  38. What are the different types of properties available in the Teamcenter?
    1. Persistent property
    2. Compound property
    3. Run time property
    4. Relation property
    5. Table property
    6. Name-value property
  39. What is persistent property?
    1. Persistent properties are properties of business object that are constant on the object
    2. Persistent means remains constant / exist
  40. What is compound property?
    1. Compound properties are the properties of a business object that can be displayed as properties of an object although they are defined and reside on a different business object.
  41. What is runtime property
    1. Run time properties are derived each time the property is displayed.
  42. What is relation property
    1. Relation properties are the properties that define the relationship between objects.
  43. Are runtime property values stored in the Teamcenter Database?
    1. No
  44. What is Name-Value property
    1. Name value property provides the ability to dynamically specify name-value pairs in a tabular format to represent an ad-hoc object specific characteristic not defined in the persistence properties of the business object.
  45. What is Table property
    1. Table property provides the ability to manage the array of information/data in a tabular manner. Table property consists of rows. The number of rows can vary per business object instance.
  46. How to traverse from Dataset to Item, to display Item ID value on Dataset using the compound property?
  47. How to traverse from Item Revision to Item for a compound property?
  48. What is complex property?
  49. What is the difference between property constant and business object constant?
  50. How to change the value of the property constant?
  51. What is an operation descriptor?
    1. The Operation Descriptor tab displays the metadata of the properties on the selected business object.
  52. How to control the availability of property during object creation using BMIDE?
    1. Operation descriptor
  53. How to hide property using BMIDE?
    1. Operation descriptor
  54. How to make property mandatory using BMIDE?
    1. Operation descriptor
  55. How to set a default value to business object property?
    1. Add Initial value while creation of property
  56. What is a secondary object?
  57. How to create a secondary object using BMIDE?
  58. How to convert a secondary object to a primary object using BMIDE?
  59. What is a workspace object?
    1. Workspace objects which represent as parents of all objects which users can see in the teamcenter are derived from POM_application_object class.
  60. What are a Typed reference and an Untyped reference?
    1. Typed Reference –> When you know the specific type of object will be available/inserted as a value in that property. like owning a user will always have a POM user. (basically points to specific TC class)
    2. Untyped reference –> when you don’t exactly know the type of object will be available/inserted as a value in that property. Trying to recall a good OOTB example here…(Basically Points to any class)     
  61. How to attach LOV to a property?
    1. Extensions>Navigate to LOV —> Create LOV —> Create Property —>click on LOVs —> Attach LOV
  62. What is suggestive LOV?
    1. Used to provide a suggested list of allowable values. For example, a suggestion LOV could be used to list commonly used description strings. Because description boxes typically accept any user-defined string, the user can select one of the suggested description strings from the LOV or enter another user-defined string.
  63. What are property methods?
  64. How to create a custom dataset?
    1. BMIDE project>search dataset>right click>create new business object
  65. How to register the custom property method using BMIDE?
  66. What is business object operation?
  67. How to automatically generate files to write code in BMIDE?
  68. How to build BMIDE?
  69. How to change the business object icon using BMIDE?
    1. Right click on the bmide project—>add business object icon —> navigate to custom business object (ex- item) —>main—>icon—>select icon.
  70. What is the standard size of the Teamcenter Business object icon?
    1. 16×16 pixels
  71. How to reduce the length of string property using BMIDE?
    1. Add string length in property creation wizard
  72. How to convert single-valued property to array property using BMIDE?
  73. How to create different custom statuses?
    1. BMIDE project —> Extensions —> Options —> Status
  74. How to attach different icons to status objects?
    1. Right click on status business object>add icon
  75. What are the conditions in BMIDE?
    1. Conditions are conditional statements that resolve to true or false based on the evaluation of an expression. A condition resolves to TRUE if the statement is valid or FALSE if it is not. Rules use conditions to describe the types of objects to which the rules apply.
  76. What is the propagation rule?
    1. A propagation rule is a definition for automatically copying a property value from a source business object instance to a destination object instance. When an operation such as CheckIn, CheckOut, Create, Delete, Export, Import, Revise, Save, or SaveAs is performed on a business object, applicable propagation rules automatically copy certain of its property values to related or referred destination objects.
  77. How to create custom BOM Line properties?
  78. How to display Item Revision properties as BOM line properties using BMIDE?
  79. What is IRDC?
  80. How to configure the IDRC template using BMIDE?
  81. How to create custom relations?
  82. How to import projects in BMIDE?
  83. How to import the package in BMIDE?
  84. How to add BMIDE templates using TEM?
  85. How to export the BMIDE project?
  86. How to export the BMIDE package?
  87. How to add a dependency template in BMIDE?
  88.  How to configure BMIDE for HOT deployment?
  89. How to upgrade the BMIDE project?
  90. What are the different steps needs to perform for cold deployment?
  91. How to create custom conditions?
  92. How to create a custom library for BMIDE code full customization?
  93. How to set default extension file to store BMIDE changes?
  94. From where we can see that what changes are deployed?
    1. Delta.xml file
  95. Is it mandatory to shut down all clients and servers before BMIDE deployment?
  96. What is a runtime business object?
  97. Is it possible to deploy multiple data models on the same server?
  98. Is it possible to create custom business objects using ITK Customization?
  99. What is Teamcenter Schema?

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Teamcenter Server Customization (ITK) Interview Questions

  1. What is ITK?
    1. ITK is a low-level API built by Siemens to access the Teamcenter database.
    2. Integration Toolkit (ITK) – is a Siemens PLM Software tool that is used to integrate third-party or user-developed applications with Teamcenter.
  2. What you can customise using ITK customization?
    1. Business objects
    2. Rule handlers
    3. Action handlers
    4. ITK API is used for extending the existing functionality or to create the new functionality.
  3. What are the different methods of ITK customization?
    1. Creating a batch utility executable and run from TC Command Prompt
    2. Creating a DLL and copy to TC bin and call as handler
  4. What is User exit?
    1. In simple terms Use exit is Already written function which we will modify as per requirement like we are changing logic of Part Revision i.e. Default Part Revision starts with “A” we can modify it to “NR” that means we are Modifying Already available function.
    2. User Exits are program functions called by the standard Teamcenter system. They can be customised at your site. Typically, user exits tend to perform tasks such as generating default part numbers.
    3. The default behaviour of the supplied user exits can be changed to implement your company’s conventions. For example, the default part numbers which are generated by Teamcenter could be changed by modifying the existing USER_new_item_id user exit to create different default part numbers.
  5. What is server exit?
    1. In simple terms Server exits is a New function which we want to be executed on the server side when some event from Client (User Interface like Rich Client) happens.
    2. Example: If we have provided a Menu option in Rich Client to the user and we want on Click event of it, some Functionality on the server side to be executed in that case we go for writing Server exit.
  6. What is a custom exit?
    1. In simple terms Custom exits is Way to modify User Exit and Server exit to avoid unintentional changes in the code which affect the other functionality.
  7. How to register runtime property using ITK?
    1. Create runtime property using BMIDE and generate code
  8. How to register the rule handler using ITK?
  9. How to register an action handler using ITK?  
  10. What is the pre-condition?
  11. How to register pre-condition?
  12. What is Pre-Action?
  13. How to register for Pre-Action?
  14. What is Post Action?
  15. How to register for post action?
  16. How to register post action on LOV?
  17. On which operations can we register custom action?
  18. How to create an Item using ITK?
  19. How to create a Dataset using ITK?
  20. What is the difference between AOM_save and AOM_save_without_extension?
  21. What is meant by the (OF) variable in the ITK reference guide?
    1. Output free
  22. How to free memory in ITK?
  23. How to get target attachment using ITK?
  24. How to display custom error messages in ITK?
  25. How to create a custom handler with arguments using ITK?
  26. How to create a batch ITK program?
  27. How to compile and run batch utility using cmd?
  28. What is ITK_User_main?
  29. How to configure Visual Studio for a batch ITK program?   
  30. How to configure Visual Studio for custom handlers?
  31. How to register post action on the property using ITK?
  32. How to create BOM using ITK?
  33. How to read BOM assembly using ITK?
  34. What is a POM inquiry?
  35. What is the difference between AOM_ask_value_string and AOM_get_value_string?
  36. How to attach a secondary object to a primary object using ITK?
  37. How to purge dataset versions using ITK?
  38. How to create a change object using ITK?
  39. How to initiate workflow processes using ITK?
  40. What is the difference between AOM_save and AOM_save_myself?
  41. How to assign memory to char** variable?
  42. How to read BOMLine properties using ITK?
  43. What is the difference between AOM_lock and AOM_refresh
  44. How to release objects using ITK?
  45. How to bypass the access rule in Itk?
  46. Can we delete released objects using ITK customization?
  47. How to delete released objects?
  48. How to delete object references using ITK?
  49. How to delete the Master object if a replica is available on another site using ITK?
  50. Can we delete the master objects without deleting replica objects using ITK?
  51. How to call the ITK function from RAC?
  52. How to include ITK header files into your code?
  53. How to find header file names for a particular ITK API?
    1. Using function reference from documentation
  54. Where are the ITK header files located?  
  55. What is the ITK_main.obj object file?
  56. What is the return type of custom rule handler?
  57. What is meant by EPM_go and EPM_nogo?
  58. What are dll and executable in ITK customization?
  59. Can we run dll built-in Debug configuration of Visual Studio in a 4 – Tier environment?
  60. How to deploy a custom dll in the Teamcenter environment?
  61. In which preference do we have to add a custom dll name?
  62. How to read preferences using ITK?
  63. Can we update custom dll at runtime when all clients are working?
  64. Is it necessary to take down the Teamcenter server to update the custom dll?
  65. How to change object icons using ITK customization based on property value?
  66. What changes need to be done in the custom ITK codes after the up-gradation of the Teamcenter version?
  67. How to handle deprecated ITK APIs?
  68. What is meant by User_gs_init_shell.module while registering a custom handler using ITK?
  69. Can we bypass Deep copy rules in ITK?
  70. What is the return type of ITK API?
  71. What is the difference between Query_execute and Query_Execute_query ITK API?
  72. Can we set default values of attributes in the object creation dialog using ITK?
  73. How to prevent attachment of Text dataset to particulate revision using ITK?
  74. How to copy objects from current revision to new revision using ITK?
  75. How to make attributes mandatory before Checked-In the objects?
  76. How to search item revision using ITK and release all its secondary objects?
  77. How to set the last modified date and last modified user using ITK?
  78. How to set default values of properties after creating an object using ITK?
  79. How to update the name of a named references file using ITK?
  80. How to download dataset files using ITK?
  81. How to decide which modules ITK API to be used? AOM, WSOM, POM, or EPM?
  82. How are POM APIs different from WSOM or AOM API?
  83. How to Checked-Out and Checked-In objects using ITK?
  84. How to auto-login into Teamcenter in the ITK program?
  85. When we use the auto-login ITK API to login into the Teamcenter then which user is actually logged into the Teamcenter application?
  86. How to write log information into the Syslog file in ITK?
  87. How to read workflow process reviewers using ITK?
  88. How to change object ownership using ITK?
  89. How to create BOMViewRevision using ITK?
  90. How to apply variant conditions in ITK?
  91. How to get an object UID using ITK?
  92. How to search objects using UID in ITK?
  93. How to send mail notifications using ITK?
  94. How to read arguments from the command line in ITK?
  95. How to handle error messages in ITK?
  96. How to find a relationship between two objects using ITK?
  97. How to delete a relationship between two objects?
  98. How to create a relationship between two objects?
  99. How to check if a property is an array or not using ITK?

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About Author
Anup Karumanchi
Anup Karumanchi
Champion of PLM, CAD & MES platforms, with a proven track record of delivering successful workshops and services for global clientele.

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